News and Articles

Posted By: Bharathi

UCO Bank's visit and support to Asha Niketan Kolkata


Gratitude overflows for the incredible support from UCO Bank.

Their impactful visit on Jan 5, 2024, featuring AGM (Eastern), CEO's wife, Zonal Manager, and UCO Bank Ladies Club members, showcased a commitment to interactive inclusion and corporate responsibility. 
The AGM's speech and insights underlined the importance of corporate engagement in societal well-being. Niloy, from our admin team, expressed heartfelt gratitude, reflecting the shared commitment.
Symbolizing this commitment, residential kids Riya and Krishnendu received a generous cheque. UCO Bank's involvement goes beyond a donation; it's a beacon of hope for vulnerable communities.
Deep thanks to UCO Bank for actively choosing and embracing our cause. Together, we foster a more compassionate and inclusive society.
